Is gelato the same as ice cream? Not exactly – it’s all about the air, or lack of it. Is sorbet the same as sorbetto? Yes, one word is French and one is Italian; but sherbet is slightly different – it adds milk.
This week, we close out our salute to ice cream with a look at ice cream and its close relations.
TTFN, Fred. Quote of the week: "Your Honor, a courtroom is a crucible. In it, we burn away irrelevancies until we're left with a pure product - the truth, for all time." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation, "The Measure of a Man"
TTFN, Fred. Quote of the week: "Regret is one of the strongest emotions and one of the saddest."– Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker, Star Trek: Enterprise, "Fusion"
(scroll over or click on iPaper below to have a drop-down menu that includes a print option) History of Ice Cream Part 2
One the heels of Dairy Month, it's...National Ice Cream Month. Like I needed a reason to have ice cream. This week, part 1 of 3 on the history of ice cream.
TTFN, Fred. Quote of the week: "In any case, were I to invoke logic, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."– Captain Spock "Or the one."– Admiral James Kirk, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
(scroll over or click on iPaper below to have a drop-down menu that includes a print option) History of Ice Cream Part 1
On the Mickey Mouse Club, Wednesday was Anything Can Happen Day.
The goal of Anything Can Happen Wednesdays is education. It may be a bit off the wall at times, but it will be educational, I promise. Sometimes it will be technical, sometimes it will be grabbed from the headlines, sometimes it will be oriented towards personal growth.
There will be no pop quizzes, no final exams, no oral dissertations. Just enjoy it.
TTFN, Fred.
And in case you're interested, here is the line-up for each day of the week on the Mickey Mouse Club:
Monday - Fun with Music Tuesday - Guest Star Wednesday - Anything Can Happen Thursday - Circus Friday - Talent Round-up