Wednesday, May 14, 2008


For years I referred to tofu as the "White Death", which was what it was called in an article in the California Aggie during my formative years at UC Davis. The author also indicated they would rather "shovel steer manure in a wind tunnel" than eat tofu. I carried this view for years without bothering to try it.

At some point I consumed tofu and
learned it had chameleon-like qualities, developing flavors through spices and marinades. I am genetically and digestively challenged, so I don't consume it in large amounts, but I do like it. However, as many of you know, I can't let a good phrase left unsaid. We were at a local teppanyaki-style Japanese restaurant the other day. My daughter was drinking miso soup and asked what the small white cubes were. "The White Death" I replied, without hesitation. She knows me well enough not to be too surprised at things I say, but I thought her boyfriend was going to spit his soup all over the grill.

This week, a look at tofu.

TTFN, Fred.

Quote of the week: "One never knows what each day is going to bring. The important thing is to be open and ready for it." - Henry Moore (British sculptor, 1898 - 1986)

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