At the start of the 20th Century, about half of households in the United States relied on melting ice (in an icebox) to keep food cold, while the remaining half had no cooled storage at all possibly excepting a "root cellar." The ice used for household storage was expensive because ice had to be cut from winter ponds (or mechanically produced), stored centrally until needed, and delivered regularly.
Then along came the refrigerator, one of many devices that changed the way we live. I wonder how many people have been told to close the door on the refrigerator since they were invented?
This week, a look refrigerators. TTFN, Fred.
Quote of the week: "Another dream that failed. There's nothing sadder."- Captain James Kirk, Star Trek: The Original Series, “This Side of Paradise”
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In case you haven’t worked it out on your own yet, National Jelly Bean Day is a day set aside to enjoy jelly beans in all their gummy deliciousness. While not a federally recognized national holiday, April 22nd is now known as “National Jelly Bean Day”, a time to sit back with a bowl of jelly beans and enjoy their wide variety of flavors.
This week, a look at...what else...jelly beans.
TTFN, Fred.
Quote of the week: "I am superior, sir, in many ways. But I would gladly give it up, to be human."- Commander Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation, “Encounter at Farpoint”
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Cooking oil is purified fat of plant origin, which is usually liquid at room temperature (saturated oils such as coconut and palm are more solid at room temperature than other oils).
Many types vegetable oils are also used for cooking. The generic term "vegetable oil" when used to label a cooking oil product refers to a blend of a variety of oils often based on palm, corn, soybean or sunflower oils.
This week, a look at various cooking oils.
TTFN, Fred.
Quote of the week: "How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life."- Admiral James Kirk, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
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A fashion fake may be easy to spot: the label says BURBERRY, but the pattern is slightly off-color, the price is too good to be true, and the vendor is operating out of a corner market.
But fake food? Not that easy, partly because most of us don't even think to look for it. We assume that if the label says EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL or WILD SALMON, that's what's we're getting. According to a whole host of experts, we shouldn't be so sure.
This week, a look at the fake food detectives.
TTFN, Fred.
Quote of the week: "I've found that when you don't think about a problem, sometimes the solution comes to you." - Commander Chakotay, Star Trek: Voyager, "Flashback"
(scroll over or click on iPaper below to have a drop-down menu that includes a print option) The Fake-Food Detectives
On the Mickey Mouse Club, Wednesday was Anything Can Happen Day.
The goal of Anything Can Happen Wednesdays is education. It may be a bit off the wall at times, but it will be educational, I promise. Sometimes it will be technical, sometimes it will be grabbed from the headlines, sometimes it will be oriented towards personal growth.
There will be no pop quizzes, no final exams, no oral dissertations. Just enjoy it.
TTFN, Fred.
And in case you're interested, here is the line-up for each day of the week on the Mickey Mouse Club:
Monday - Fun with Music Tuesday - Guest Star Wednesday - Anything Can Happen Thursday - Circus Friday - Talent Round-up