Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Six-Legged Meat of the Future

In the U.S., we're more accustomed to exterminating insects than to eating them, but in scores of countries around the world, including Thailand, where food markets are stocked with commercially-raised water beetles and bamboo worms, bugs have long been a part of a well-balanced meal.

This will take some getting used to. It may be a while before someone on a television cooking show ends with "Bug appétit!"

This week, a look at the six-legged meat of the future.

TTFN, Fred.

Quote of the week: "Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security." - John Allen Paulos (professor of mathematics at Temple University in Philadelphia, 1945 - )

The Six-Legged Meat of the Future

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