Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A Brief History of Window Cleaning

Glass is one of the oldest materials around. The discovery of glass date back to the Stone Age, around 7,000 BC. The organized production of glass in the form of jewelry and small jugs began in Egypt approximately four millennia later.

Only in 1861, did the Belgian chemist Ernest Solvay introduce the material to wide circles of the population with the cost-effective production of glass. Suddenly, countless office buildings, train stations, administrative buildings and ministries were equipped with massive window facades. This laid the foundation for the commercial window cleaning industry. Eventually windows were so prevalent it became a househld chore and window cleaning products were developed.

This week, a brief look at window cleaning.

Quote of the week: "One never knows what each day is going to bring. The important thing is to be open and ready for it." - Henry Moore (British sculptor, 1898 - 1986)

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