Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Secret World Inside Tiny Fog Droplets

Fog forms when the air near the ground cools enough to turn its water vapor into liquid water or ice. There are many different types of fog, too. Ice fog forms when the air near the ground is cold enough to turn the water in fog into ice crystals. Ice fog forms only at extremely cold temperatures. Another kind of fog is freezing fog. Ice crystals form in the air when it’s cold enough and particles like dust or smoke in the air provide a “seed” for the ice crystal to form around.

This week, a look at the secret world inside tiny fog droplets.

TTFN, Fred.

Quote of the week: "Since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of time, you are incomparable." - Brenda Ueland (journalist, editor, freelance writer, and teacher of writing, 1891 – 1985) 

The Secret World Inside Tiny Fog Droplets by fredwine on Scribd

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