Wednesday, November 19, 2008

World Toilet Day

November 19th is World Toilet Day. Sounds like a joke, but it's deadly serious. The number of people worldwide without access to a toilet -- no public restroom, no outhouse, no latrine, no smallest room -- is a whopping 2.6 billion.

That's four out of ten people who have to use fields, river-banks, beaches, rubbish dumps or city streets. Another billion or so do have access to a toilet, usually some kind of a wooden platform with a hole in it laid across a deep pit, but it's often shared - and filthy.

This week, a look at an organization that doing something about this.

TTFN, Fred.

Quote of the week: "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity." - Anonymous (sometimes called "Hanlon's Razor")

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World Toilet Day

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