Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Buy Local, Act Evil?

A University of Toronto study suggests people who buy green are more likely cut moral corners elsewhere, that buying green is tantamount to a free pass for commensurate bad behavior in other areas of their lives.

I beg to differ, as I don't feel the need to cut someone off in traffic on the way home from buying compact florescent light bulbs or mock the eco-celebrity crowd and their use of "carbon offsets" as a method to justify their eco-hypocrisy.

This week, can buying local may you act evil?

TTFN, Fred.

Quote of the week: Kirk: "My God, Bones, what have I done?" McCoy: "What you had to do; what you always do: turn death into a fighting chance to live." - Doctor Leonard McCoy to Admiral James T. Kirk while witnessing the destruction of the Enterprise, Star Trek III: The Search For Spock

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Buy Local, Act Evil

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